Affordable - ipOFTP

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You receive complete EDI functionality integrated in a ready-to-use ipOFTP communication box that you only need to connect to your local network.

You can set up the EDI connections with your customers all by yourself or you can have configuration and testing done by us. We provide you with all the services required in the EDI environment at a fixed price.

During the setup phase you have complete cost control. During operation, there will be no additional costs.

All needed functions in one compact device.

900,- € plus VAT for up to three OFTP-EDI connections.
Example 1
In this example, we assume that your ERP/in-house system can process and generate the file formats exchanged with your customer.

File exchange with ipOFTP is via the ipOFTP network share, configuration is done by you or your system administrators.
ipOFTP communication box
900,00 €
Odette identifikation: existing or agreed upon
0,00 €
Certificate: self signed and generated by ipOFTP
0,00 €
Communication partner: setup done by yourself
0,00 €
Incoming: file format processed by inhouse system
0,00 €
Outgoing: file format generated by inhouse system
0,00 €
Integration: network share read and written by inhouse system
0,00 €
Total cost excluding VAT900,00 €
is adapted to the needs of suppliers and service providers who exchange VDA or EDIFACT messages with their customers.
Example 2
Your customer wants to send delivery schedules in DELFOR format to your site and expects shipping notifications in DESADV format.

In this example, we assume that an EDI infrastructure is not yet in place and that your ERP/in-house system cannot process or generate the file formats requested by your customer.

ipOFTP takes care of the conversion of incoming files to CSV and generates the desired outgoing file format from CSV files.

ipOFTP forwards incoming files to the ERP/Inhouse system and fetches data waiting for transmission from your ERP/Inhouse system.

In this example we provide and handle all the necessary services at a fixed price.
ipOFTP communication box
900,00 €
Odette identifikation: issued by Odette
240,00 €
Certificate: self signed and generated by ipOFTP
0,00 €
Communication partner setup
560,00 €
Conversion of incoming DELFOR to CSV
640,00 €
Conversion of CSV to outgoing DESADV
640,00 €
Inhouse integration
560,00 €
Total cost excluding VAT
3540,00 €
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